Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our walk!

We decided to go for a walk since it was so sunny and nice out. We went to a park not to far from here.
On our way back we went a different way and ended up behind our apartments. It is wooded back there and so peaceful. We kept walking around on the paths that are there. Some of them were very muddy and we had to turn around. we ran into a guy walking his dog and it was a big dog. She was real sweet. She was a Great Dane, I think the dog was in charge of walking though. It was fun and they both enjoyed it very much and want to go back soon. I will wait for a little less mud though. When we returned Deron had brought with him half of the path that was muddy. Desirae had slipped and found herself in the creek so she has a few bruises to show, not quiet so much mud. I had some on my shoes so the shoes and Deron's pants found their way to the washer. Bleach works wonders on Lite cream pants and shoes.
Deron is adjusting well to part time school and part time Home school. Struggles some with science and Social Studies but over all he is doing a great job.
He wants to go back to school next year. I am glad to let him try. We are working on learning more coping skills so he can learn to cope with school. Going part time has helped allot. He is learning better how to cope and it is in small doses so it has been easier for him. It still hurts him that kids pick on him and bully him, but we are learning how to best deal with that.
He has been building with his Lego's and Kinexs so that keeps him busy. He loves rocks so he studies those as well. He also enjoys video games. A bit to much for me sometimes so I have to set limits. He has been good with those limits for the most part.
The new thing for Deron is he is sleeping without the TV on at night as much. It has been a struggle but we are getting better. The Sleep study he had showed his brain not stopping so his sleep was disrupted.
Thus the no TV at night.

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